About Us

Beermullah Farm, Gingin

Our Location

Beermullah Farm is a 1000 acre property located about 100km north of Perth around the beautiful Beermullah Lake. It sits within the Swan Coastal Plains and with careful management is slowly regenerating wetlands and biodiversity.

Family Owned

The Barrett-Lennard family have owned and run Beermullah Farm for two generations. Philip Barrett-Lennard is an agricultural scientist with a special interest in pasture species, soil types and regenerative farm management. Sally manages the farm-stay to ensure guests have a beautiful stay and the butchering to deliver premium beef with a consistent eating experience. Together with our teenage children, we take pride in nurturing the land and building a thriving farm.

Cattle and pastures

Each year Beermullah Farm introduces breed leading Red Angus genetics from around the world to keep improving the quality of our herd. Our cattle are well known for their calving ease, fertility, docility and meat quality.

On the farm we have a wide range of soil types, each suited to a different suite of pasture species. Philip brings his expertise as a well known pasture agronomist and selects appropriate pasture species for each paddock. On our lighter, sandier soil types we grow subtropical perennial grasses such as Panic, Rhodes and Couch, with Serradella as an annual legume companion. On our heavier, loamier soil types we grow a mix of annual clovers and grasses, while slowly introducing the perennial grasses Tall Fescue and Phalaris.

Regenerative farming practices

Nurturing the land goes hand in hand with raising good livestock. We are proud to be trialling new methods of conservation and biodiversity. Current practices at Beermullah Farm include leaky weirs, overseeing dung beetle populations, introducing different dung beetle seasonal species, tree planting, revegetation of wetlands, removing introduced vermin, replenishing native grass seed banks and fencing off areas for regeneration.

Beermullah Lake and wetland conservation

Beermullah Farm is home to a number of significant wetlands that have now been fenced to exclude livestock. This has allowed native vegetation to regenerate, creating additional habitat for the already plentiful birdlife.

The property surrounds Beermullah Lake, a large and permanent body of water (250 acres), that provides a home for over 84 bird species with Birdlife Australia visiting regularly to identify and count numbers.

Carbon neutrality

Every year since 2015 we have planted and then fenced over 1,000 native tree and bush seedlings. These tree lines provide cattle with shade and provide ecosystems for native flora and fauna.

We participated in the Meat and Livestock Australia 2020 Greenhouse Gas pilot program and have made an inventory of the carbon sources and sinks. MLA, the red meat industry research body, has committed that by 2030 the industry will achieve Carbon Neutrality.

Dung beetle research

50 years ago exotic dung beetle species were released on Australian farms with different species thriving in different localities. Dr Jacob Berson conducted a two year research project on Beermullah Farm (2019-2021) to collate population sizes for this farm and locality, finding 7-8 active species. In 2020, copris hispanus was introduced to our farm in a WA trial.

Early signs in April 2021 gauged that there had been successful adaptation of the new species.

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